Coffee Kitchen hand deodorizing bar is a very useful utility bar.. This bar is a neutralizing bar good for any kitchen/chef as it removes the lingering smells of garlic, onions, seafood from your hands. This bar also works great at removing oils & grease from either your hands or your clothing, which leads to another wonderful benefit of this bar; laundry stain removal!! just wet the stained spot, rub a little coffee bar directly to the area, apply a little friction & launder as normal. Lastly, through way too many experiences the past few years, we have learned that Coffee Kitchen Hand deodorizing bar can also work wonders on your smelly pooches... Amy's beloved Boxer dogs have enjoyed tangling with some pesky skunks & or rolled in dead smelly things in the woods... Coffee Kitchen Hand Deodorizing bar removes the smells fully the first time (depending on the spray)!